There is a lot going on in the world and many places to find information about it. Your library is one of those places.
Wall Street Journal |
The Virginia Public Library has hard copies of several local, state, and national newspapers. These range from the Mesabi Daily News to the Wall Street Journal. We keep back issues of some of our newspapers for up to a year. If you are looking for an article you saw in the MDN four months ago, give us the date and we'll provide the copy!
NewsBank Logo |
If you are looking for news from a particular community in another state, we have America's News, part of the NewsBank databases the library subscribes to. With your library card, you can use America's News to read newspapers from Bangor, Maine; Fremont, California; and many points in bet
ACRES Magazine |
Many people prefer to get their news and entertainment from magazines, rather than newspapers. Your library has a lot of magazine titles to choose from! Our print magazines include Bloomberg Business Week, Mayo Clinic Health Letter, The Nation, the UTNE Reader, ACRES, Men's Journal, Midwest Home, The Writer, and many others.
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We don't have the magazine you are looking for? Maybe we do... The Virginia Public Library and other members of the Arrowhead Library System have subscribed to Zinio--"the World's Largest Newsstand"--in order to provide you access to more than eighty titles! There are magazines for children, teens, athletes, car repair enthusiasts, and people with other interests. If Zinio doesn't have it, we can find it in one of many other resources. Zinio will be available beginning July 1st.
Circulating books, magazines, and newspapers can all be checked out for three weeks. All you need is your library card!
Library Card |
Susan Hoppe -- Reference Services Librarian